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Showing posts from June, 2018

Book Review: Kai and daddyman by Michelle Person

Found this picture on Google Book Review: Kai and daddyman by Michelle Person This is such a cute story about a little girl named Kai I think it is really sweet how she sees her dad as a superman someone who she really looks up too they have fun together and laugh together. This is such a charming and story very easy to read I would recommend this book for ages 3 and 6.  The pictures and story will captivate your child attaching by the colorful pictures and the author did an amazing job on the story this should be in a classroom library.  When I was a kindergarten teachers aid I did the story time and I would have loved to read this to the children they would have loved the story as well. The illustrator did an amazing job on the pictures in this book this is such a cute little story that would be great for a bedtime reading book to read to your child at night. A perfect read for bedtime or anytime it's simple and easy and cute story. Sweet story on

Book review: Tied IN By Anthony Tucker

the author shared this picture with me. Book review: Tied IN By Anthony Tucker This is a cute little story about a little boy named tuckie who finds a necktie and uses his imagination to use it for different things that he created in his mind and imagination to play around with it.  the illustrator and author did an amazing job on the pictures and the story in this book the story and pictures are wonderful. I really enjoy this book because of the way the little boy found a way to have fun with a necktie and used his imagination to have fun with it and use it for many creative things. Your children will love this book from the cute story and the beautiful colorful pictures it will help your child learn and understand that using there imagination is ok. When I was a kindergarten teachers aid I did story time and the children would have loved this story this book would be great in a classroom library and on your child's bookshelf. I like at the end

Book review: Mia and Dad part of a rainbow By Asaf Rozanes

Picture found on Amazon. Book review: Mia and Dad part of a rainbow By Asaf Rozanes  This is such a sweet book I like the message that Not everyone is the same and some of us have blonde hair others have brown hair and some have red blue and green hair.  Everyone is different And that ok if everyone was the same life would be sad and boring everyone is special just the way they are God made everyone different and that's what makes you. When I was a kindergarten teachers aid I did story time I loved reading to the children they would have loved this book for sure and the powerful message. This story made me smile it brought me back to my childhood at church when we used to sing the Sunday school song red and yellow black and white Jesus loves all the little children in the world. The author did an amazing Job on this story I love the message your kids will learn that not everyone is the same and that's ok it will help your child really understand tha

Book Review: Kitten & Butterfly Kitten and Friends Volume 1 By Aviva Gittle

picture found on Amazon  Book Review: Kitten & Butterfly                         Kitten and Friends Volume 1 By Aviva Gittle  This is such a cute story I love the friendship between kitten and butterfly it is so cute. The Author did a great with this story by telling children that you don't have to do the same thing as someone else to be friends friendship comes in all sizes and shapes not everyone is the some yet you can still be friends. The pictures in this book are so cute and very colorful the illustrator did an amazing job on the colorful pictures that children will fall in love with as well as the story.  When I was a kindergarten teachers aid I did story time and would read to the kids this is a book I would have loved to read to them and they would have loved this bo ok. This book would be great in a classroom library or on your child's bookshelf this is a book you could read to your child every night. This book would Have a great

Book review: You are different by Davon Clark

picture found on Amazon  Book review: You are different by Davon Clark This is such a cute poem book for kids it talks about how everyone is different and not the same as someone else. What I like about this book is that it shows people telling you that you can't do something but if you read the story.  they showed them that they were wrong and turned out great that is how we should look at it too when someone says's you can't do something are brings you down show them you can. The author did an amazing job writing this book that has a powerful message to it that we are not all the same were are different in our own special way that is how God made us he did not make us the same. We are different from the head down to our toes and being different is not wrong.     Someone may say no, but it's up to you to say yes. I think it is cool that we are all different because if everyone was the same life would be sad and boring. This is a great book t

Book Review: If We All Looked The Same by Mark Tomlinson

picture found on Amazon  Book Review: If We All Looked The Same by Mark Tomlinson This is such a cute little kids book that teaches kids that it is ok to be different and not everyone is the some the author's friend Ishika Sharma reached out to me on facebook and asked me to do this book review. The author did an amazing job on this book the illustrations in this book are so cute and very beautiful the author used DW Publication the lady that asked me to review this book she works for this company. I like how in the story the new student is different she has wings and the other bees do not but they all accepted her for who she is and not what she looks like. I was a kindergarten teachers aid and I did story time I would read to the students this is a book I would have loved to read to them this book would be great in a classroom library or on your child's bookshelf. This book is something that is really important to teach your child not everyone is the

Book review: Nathaniel English the life of a panther by Michelle Person

        Book review: The life of a Panther by                               Michelle Person   This a super cute book it follows Nathaniel as he organizes a project at his elementary school and the similarities between his project and the many organized by Black Panther Huey P. Newton. I like how Nathaniel wanted to help the kindergarten teacher by setting up a tutoring program all year long as well as offering to help the teachers by volunteering. I can relate to this story because I was a kindergarten teacher's aide I did story time I really enjoyed that, I also volunteered by helping the other teachers as well. This is a great story to share with your children to teach them that they to can help out by volunteering and starting a program at a school that can help the students and teachers out. In high school, I volunteered by helping with the recycling program and doing cookie shop cleaning the kitchen for the school I also helped by packing lunches for stude

Book Review: The beauty in are differences By Anysia Martin

Book Review: The beauty in are differences By Anysia Martin  This is such a cute book with a beautiful story written in a way that will teach your children about how different people can be and that is ok they are still the same person having something different in your life is how friendships are made if everyone was the same life would be boring. I like this book because it talks about everyone in all different parts of life in the story there is a boy who loves music and if you look closer you will see he is in a wheelchair to some people that would be  different but to a friend, he is just Leo   there is a girl in the story who loves to run she can run so fast she wants to be in the Olympics and win a gold medal but if you look closely at her she wears a hearing aid to help her hear some people may find that different but to a friend, she is just a wonderful amazing friend  Also in the story, there is a boy who is so good with math he knows all the answers and holds his h

Book review: One tiny turtle By Christina Van Starkenburg

The author sent me this cover picture to use. review: One tiny turtle By Christina Van Starkenburg This is just a cute children's book about a little sea turtle not only can you read this book to your kids but you can color the pictures with them too. I know a lot of children that like to read and color this would make a great gift for them to have and to add to there book collection. This book would be great in a classroom for an art class or in a daycare. The author did an amazing job and what great ideas she had to turn a children's book into a coloring book as well. I have a lot of cousins that would have loved this book and really enjoy it. the one tiny turtle book us good for parents and teachers and also grandparents to read to there kids and students. This book is a sweet story and it is a good way to help your kids be creative and have fun with art and coloring as well as using there imagination. I  love the under the sea theme

Book review: Webby The Scaredy Cat: Tails of Winning (The Adventures of Webby Book 2) by Webby and Nancy Poe

book found on Amazon  Book review: Webby The Scaredy Cat: Tails of Winning (The Adventures of Webby Book 2)  by  Webby and Nancy Poe  This is such a cute little book about a cat named webby that was afraid of everything going outside hearing loud noises he was afraid of everything. His mind was always thinking about something that could go wrong like being hit by a car facing a bobcat. webby always looked out the window at the other cats playing but was afraid too.   Then one day a beautiful cat named kitty adorable asked webby do you what to come out and play he was afraid too then all of a sudden a dog came and chased the cat up the tree in this event webby learned how to be a hero take courage and not be afraid he remembered the words his dad said you are a lion, not cat. This is a great story on how a cat overcame his fear and this can teach your kids how to overcome their fears and how to have courage. Kids will love this book from it's cute storyline to

Book Review: Disco Ball Of The Universe By Imani ariana grant

Book Review: Disco Ball Of The Universe By Imani Ariana grant  Super cute book to teach your kids about and wonder about the planets in the sky and wants very impressive it the author is on 9 years old. This is the super cute book is for all ages it's very good for a child that wants to explore are planets. and they will have fun doing so by reading this book it will teach them the names of all planets in a fun-filled way. I was amazed that a 9-year-old wrote this book about how amazing is that it makes me smile. It is a fun read and your kids will love it from the pictures the fun way it shows you about are planets to the fun activities at the end of the book. Great book this book should be in a classroom library as well on your child's bookshelf.  When I was a kindergarten teachers aide I did reading time and I am sure they would have loved this book. This is also a fun way to teach your children about science in a fun-filled way the author is a

Book review: monkey business By Romy HS

Book review: monkey business By Romy HS This is so cute about to monkey sisters one older one small and like all little sisters they follow around the big sister and wants to do anything the big sister is doing I can so relate being the oldest out of my three sisters we all copied each other  that just because we loved each other and looked up to one another. Just like the oldest sister asked her parents why does she always copy me the answer the parents gave her was because she loves you and looks up to you and thinks you are the best. Sisters are all alike sometimes they fight but at the end of the day all is well and we enjoy one another this book is a really good book to read to your children about sisters. The author did an amazing job capturing what sisterhood is all about in this cute little monkey book. The illustrations in this book are so cute I loved every picture and how colorful they are. When I was a kindergarten teachers aide I did story time this would ha

Book review:Who am I by Suzanne Mulcahy

Book review: Who am I by Suzanne Mulcahy                                                                                 This is such a cute little about a panda bear named Yin who learns about himself including his heart that holds a special gift that he can bring to the world. This is a very cute book that will teach children that it is OK to be you.  Who Am I? Yin is a young panda bear who is discovering who he is - his personality, his likes and dislikes, his different moods and his thoughts. "I think about many things. Sometimes I think about my family...Sometimes I think about food. Are my thoughts part of me?" Yin is learning that he is created in an amazing way that we can all relate too He is fascinated with himself. Yin is Most happy when he learns about his heart and the love and the special gifts that come from his heart your heart is full of love it has all the special gifts that you can give to someone just by smiling at them and showing the