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Showing posts from October 6, 2019

Low Carb Fall Dessert Pumpkin cheesecake mousse whip.

Low Carb Fall Dessert Pumpkin cheesecake mousse whip.  This is so light and fluffy and very good I love all things pumpkin so I had to make this. Plus it is super easy to make.  Ingredients  2 blocks of cream cheese. 1 can of canned  plan pumpkin Puree 2 cups heavy whipping cream 2 tea Pumpkin pie spice   1 1/2 cups of low carb sugar like Splenda 1 tea vanilla extract Optional Top with low carb brown sugar enjoy. Instructions  with a hand, mixer or stand mixer blend cream cheese and pumpkin until blended. Add the rest of the ingredients and blend until whipped and fluffy.  Taste and add more sugar if  needed.  Best chilled in the refrigerated for an hour. but it tastes great immediately!    

New Interview With Ireland Gill - Author

New Interview With Ireland Gill - Author Q1. Tell me about yourself: What are your favorite books to read?  A. I’ve been happily married for over 17 years. Brian and I have three girls who keep us extremely busy. (16, 14, and 10) I am an MS warrior (diagnosed 9/13/13) and am very stubborn because of it. LOL. Tell me I can’t… and then I will.  Books? Oh, man. I am all over the board. I am a fan of urban fantasy, paranormal romance, dystopian, post-apoc, memoirs, and lately – I’m all about any non-fiction books on marketing and mindset for indie authors. I try to learn all that I can to improve my journey as an indie. Q2. When did you decide you were going to write a book? A. I’ve always loved writing. But in the 9th grade, I turned in the most spectacular story I’d ever written at the time to my AP English teacher. It was an assignment we were given after reading one of my favorite books, The Catcher in the Rye. I was enthralled. We were instructed...


Book review: A DAY AT THE BERNS FAMILY FARM A BOOK OF PHONICS.  By Laura Hudgens  A Day At The Berns family farm.  is such a cute book I loved the pictures and the story The title of the book is very cute as well how creative.  When I was a kindergarten teachers Aide, I would read to the Children, this is a book I would have loved to read to them.  This Cute little book would make a great gift for any child it is the perfect book to add to their book self your children would love for you to read this to them at night.  Parents this is a fun-filled book that will teach you gets the phonics and this is a great educational book for kids.  The Author Laura did An amazing Job with this fun book I loved the story and the pictures in the book. This is a great book for grade levels K-3RD grade, The Author Laura Hudgens is a certified paraprofessional At O' Bryant Primary Elementary school.  This book is a cute fa...