Zen Cat visits Mr. meowgi a mogo dogo to learn about feelings and how to manage them. A great book for children on how to manage their anger in a positive way. When I was a kindergarten teachers aide I enjoyed reading to the child This is a book that I would love to read to them. This is a great book to teach children learning skills on how to deal with anger. This book would be great in a Dr. office and a child's psychology office. RECEIVED A COMPLIMENTARY COPY OF THE BOOKS FOR THE BOOK REVIEWS ON THIS BLOG BUT WAS NOT REQUIRED TO LEAVE A REVIEW. ALL OPINIONS ARE MINE. Here is the link to the book. https://www.amazon.com/Zen-Cat-Caroline-DeGaetano-ebook/dp/B09VG1LBGR/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3KJYWGN75PNCP&keywords=zen+cat+caroline&qid=1649002568&sprefix=zen+cat++car%2Caps%2C288&sr=8-1