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Interviewing Author Margie Harding

Interviewing Author  Margie Harding Q1. Tell me about your self?    A. I am a wife to Charles (47 years), momma to 5 grown children— four of which are married, with 17 grandchildren and another on the way!  I enjoy reading and writing and when I have the time, I enjoy quilting and studying all kinds of things!  I like learning!  My husband and I travel a good deal and plan to visit Alaska, the only state we haven’t been to in our married life!  I have a strong faith and believe God has given me the gift of writing for a purpose.  It took me a while to realize it, but the perspective of my writing includes writing for children with disabilities—- but not only for the children with the disability, but for the one who asks, ‘What’s wrong with my friend?’  This makes these books unique and a great resource for a classroom as a starting point for conversation. Q2. What are your favorite books to read? A. I read a lot of Christian material.  I like reading books that will teach me something,


AUTHOR INTERVIEW- DIANE HOLIDAY Q1. Tell us about yourself. What are your favorite books to read? A.  I write romantic suspense books and live on Lake Murray in beautiful South Carolina with my retired Navy husband, who is my go-to for colorful slang and guy talk. I have two grown children who live in Maine and San Diego. I like to write heroines who are relatable, everyday people with spunk and wit. Their only superpower is fierce independence. I’m an animal lover, and each of my three books has a dog in them. A tribute to the golden retriever that stole my heart for thirteen years and warmed my feet when I wrote on chilly mornings. My favorite books to read are romantic suspense and contemporary. I read many authors but love Jill Shalvis, Catherine Coulter, Susan Elizabeth Phillips,  and Linda Howard. Q2. Where did the inspiration to write come from? A.  As a child, I loved to read, (Nancy Drew, Laura Ingalls Wilder books, and Little Women) and I wrote every nigh

Interviewing Author Shannon Taylor Vannatter

Interviewing Author Shannon Taylor Vannatter Q1. Tell us about yourself. What are your favorite books to read? A. I started reading clean romance when I was fourteen. I married my high school sweetheart and worked as a hairdresser for ten years. Once insurance became important, I went to work at a bank and the corporate offices of a large fragrance company. After our son was born, I became a stay at home mom. I love reading Christian Contemporary Romance. Q2. Where did the inspiration to write come from? A. There came a time when I couldn’t find anything clean anymore when I was in my early thirties, so I decided to write what I wanted to read. My characters kept praying and talking to God and I realized I was writing Christian romance instead of merely clean. It took me nine and a half years to get published. Q3. How did you come up with the titles of your books? A. I start with a working title that fits the theme of the book. Sometimes, I change it as