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Showing posts from August 12, 2021

Book Review: My sister, Alicia May By Nancy Tupper Ling

I picked this book out at my local library to do a review on my blog.   ALL OPINIONS ARE MINE.  Based on the lives of two sisters, this story expresses the challenges and joys of growing up with a sibling who has special needs. In many ways, Rachel and Alicia are like any sisters, but Rachel knows her sister is very different and very special because she has Down syndrome. Though Rachel occasionally feels frustrations and resentment about having to help watch over her special sister, she most often feels love, acceptance, and pride for her. Exquisitely written with humor and compassion, this story focuses on the sisters' relationship and their respective places in the family. Info found on amazon  A Very cute book highly recommend   Beautiful Story, Beautiful Illustrations. worth reading  Love this book and the pictures are amazing very beautiful. This is a very special book because I have friends that have down syndrome that mean the world to me plus ...

Book review:The ABCs of Virtue by Priya Kumari

  The ABCs of Virtue is a rhyming book for children and aims at simultaneously developing their vocabulary, teaching them the alphabet, and inculcating values that will help them become citizens of the world, such as confidence, duty, ethics, and honesty.  Inspired by stories of virtuous personalities from ancient Indian epics, I wanted to do my part in developing the next generation of children into well-rounded, compassionate, and responsible individuals.  This is a cute book to help your children learn their ABCs.  Teaching value & character in children.  A great positive book. Must read for kids When I was a kindergarten teacher's aide I did storytime and the children would have loved this story this book would be great in a classroom library and on your child's bookshelf. I was very happy when the author asked me to review his book for him the story made me smile. Thanks, Priya Kumari RECEIVED A COMPLIMENTARY COPY OF THE BOOKS F...

Interviewing Author RACHELLE JONES SMITH

  1. Tell me about your self what are your favorite books to read? I love to read historical fiction, thrillers and crime novels, and, sometimes, contemporary fiction.   Lately, though, I've been deep in children's literature. I need to know what works and why to improve my craft. 2.when did you decide you were going to write a book? I think I always knew.  I'd been writing since I could weird a pencil. Little stories on slips of paper, blogs about life and then motherhood, and newspaper columns for my high school paper and a small magazine startup.  I finally started the first novel during my master of fine art in a creative writing degree program. 3. How did you come up with the name of your books? I'm admittedly not good at titles.  The books name themselves -- a line within them, usually. But sometimes hubs, the kids, or Shannon Jade of Wildflower Books Editing offer suggestions. 4. What are you working on for 2021? I've got four books lined up for the ...