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Interviewing Author Laurie Pilia

Interviewing Author Laurie Pilia

Q1. tell me about yourself?

A. Fun facts about me:

Mother to two beautiful girls who are 10 years apart

Married to a native born Sardinian  

Lifestyle photographer

I was a College Athlete - Wright State Softball Team

Grew up in a one stoplight town in Ohio

Lived in Rathfarnham, Dublin, Ireland for 3 years

Currently reside in Orlando, FL 

Q2. When did you decide you were going to write a book?

A. It all started with a thought of creating something with the emails shared between my husband and I - I thought at a minimum it would be fun to pass this down to our children. After allowing others to read the emails and telling our story, so many people would say that I should write a I did :)

_Kisses from Sardinia _has all the makings of a novel, but it’s a true story—a story of chance, romance, and happenstance that every woman, young or old, should read and thus be inspired. Laurie’s tale of adventure will awaken young readers, both male and female, to their potentials no matter their circumstances, and also remind parents of impetuous daughters that it’s best to leave them to their dreams…they just might come true beyond anyone’s imagination.

Q3. How did you come up with the name of your books?

A. The title was was how my Italian email pen pal (now my husband) signed his first email to me. The title is 'Kisses from Sardinia'. 

Q4. What are you working on for 2019?

A. I have a finished manuscript at this moment. The next steps will be focused on getting the book in the readers hands - still a little work to do. 

Q5. How long have you been writing?

A. I have written in my own journals over the past but this is my first time writing a book. 

Q6. What advice would you give other authors? 

A. Hire a good editor - I could not have done this without mine!

Q7. Where can people find you online?

A. my email is

 Facebook Author page @LauriePiliaAuthor

Q8. Do you plan on making more books in the future?

A. I am considering it! I would love to merge my world of photography and book writing in the future! More to come....

Q9. How many books have you written?

A. Just one....soon to come. 

Q10. Did you go to college to be a writer?

A. I obtained a degree in communications and later a Master's in HR but never thought of becoming a writer until I had a story to tell. 

Q11. What is your favorite food and drink?

A. My favorite food is anything made by my Italian mother-in-law! 


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