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Interviewing Author Margie Harding

Interviewing Author  Margie Harding

Q1. Tell me about your self?   

A. I am a wife to Charles (47 years), momma to 5 grown children— four of which are married, with 17 grandchildren and another on the way!  I enjoy reading and writing and when I have the time, I enjoy quilting and studying all kinds of things!  I like learning!  My husband and I travel a good deal and plan to visit Alaska, the only state we haven’t been to in our married life! 

I have a strong faith and believe God has given me the gift of writing for a purpose.  It took me a while to realize it, but the perspective of my writing includes writing for children with disabilities—- but not only for the children with the disability, but for the one who asks, ‘What’s wrong with my friend?’  This makes these books unique and a great resource for a classroom as a starting point for conversation.

Q2. What are your favorite books to read?

A. I read a lot of Christian material.  I like reading books that will teach me something, or at least make me think.  I try to break away from that sometimes though and read a classic (I’m currently reading Homer’s “Odessy,”), or a Christian romance just for something different.  I like reading English Literature books.  I find them fascinating!  — And offer questions at the end of the story to help focus on the writing of the story!

Q3. When did you decide you were going to write a book?

A. Just for clarity, I’ve written a lot of children’s books (there are 13 books in the children’s disability series (The Paxton Series), plus we’ve put them in a toddler version, as well, and this series will continue indefinitely.  These books started several years ago.  

I wrote a novel in 2013 after I completed college as a non-traditional student, “More Than A Mom.”

My most recent book a chapter book “By Invitation Only,” for middle schoolers came out about a month ago, and that’s been an idea for MANY years, but it really came together when I had the idea to adapt it to the disability realm (the girl in the story has Down Syndrome).  it absolutely worked!  I’m delighted with this new book.

Q4. How did you come up with the name of your book?

A. The whole concept of the book was about being able to join an elite girl’s club in school but you could only join “by invitation only.”  So I guess the name of the book came from the theme/concept of the book.

Q5. What are you working on for 2021?

A. Actually, I’m working on a sequel to “By Invitation Only,” tentatively called, “For The Greater Good,” although that title remains to be determined.  Two of my granddaughters read “By Invitation Only,” and loved it but had ideas of what could happen next.  Between the two of them, the idea was conceived, blossomed, and ended up forming into an outline.  So, that is what I’m currently working on.  In addition to this, The Paxton Series will continue to grow.

Q6. How long have you been writing?

Q. 30+years?  I started out writing puzzles for kids, and have four puzzle books published via Christian publications (they are also on Amazon).  I’ve written for children’s magazine including Ranger Rick.  I think when I  

made Ranger Rick, I felt like I’d arrived.  That was a real confidence booster.  After that, I wrote LOTS and LOTS of devotions and just kept plugging!

Q7.What advice would you give other authors?

A. Do NOT ever give up your dream of writing.  Write every single day!  (Well, except maybe Sunday!)  When you put off writing one day, then you do another and it’s easy to slide away from being consistent, and then it’s really hard to refocus and remember why you write!

Q. 8. Where can people find you online?

A.   (my personal web site)



@margiejharding  (twitter)



Q9. What is your favorite coffee drink?

A. I like coffee with almond milk in it first thing in the morning.  After that, if I have more coffee it’s going to be decaf!  I enjoy creamers like French 

Vanilla, butterscotch, pumpkin pie spice, and others that give me variety.  I don’t use sugar—-  but do use stevia, but only when I use a flavored creamer!

Q10. What is your favorite coffee shop?

A. I don’t use a ‘commercial’ coffee shop—- so my kitchen?  :) 

Q11. Do you plan on making a new book in the future?

A. Yes, I sure do.  I have plans, aside from the ones already mentioned to write a book on bullying—-  another middle school chapter book which I already have the outline for.  It will include a ‘fantasy world’ which is totally out of my comfort zone, but I’m so excited about it!  

Q.12. How many books have you written?

A. That’s kind of hard to answer because of all the children’s books.  As mentioned, there are 13 original books in that series, plus 13 toddler books (basically re-written with fewer words but still keeping the same content.)  

Then there are 9 other children’s books available; the latest called “Unlikely Buddies” which came out a couple months ago about our Golden Retriever and our daughter’s kitten. 

Add to these, my novel, “More Than A Mom”, a Christian Woman’s Journal, and a set of teen girl devotionals.    So…..  38 or 39!  It depends on how you count!   (If you count the set as one or two!)  

13. Did you go to college to be a writer?

No, I didn’t. I had been writing for a long time before I went to college.  And I hate to admit it, and while I did exceptional in my English/Lit classes, I was ‘afraid?’ to take a creative writing class! It was one thing to have an editor contact me and say my material didn’t suit them ‘right now.’  But I didn’t want my professor telling me my work was awful!  :)  :)  :)  

My major in college (30 years AFTER I graduated from high school) was Early Elementary Education!  I learned so much while I was there and am so glad I went!



  1. Hi Margie,

    I've started using almond creamer. It's good to meet you here!


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