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Interviewing Author Grahame Peace

Interviewing Author Grahame Peace

Q1. Tell me about yourself what are your favorite books to read?

A. I’m 61 years of age and was born in the Northern Textile Town of Huddersfield in England where I still live with my partner. I like many genres of books, but I don’t like anything too dark; before I retired I worked for many years in Mental Health Services in the UK, so I had more than my fill of ‘life’, and the ups and downs it can throw at people. So, I tend to go for books that offer escapism, I also like history, autobiographies, and biographies. At the moment I’m enjoying the fictional book ‘The Haunting of Ashburn House by Darcy Coates. I say I’m retired, but I now consider myself to be an author, I treat it as a full-time job, working on my books for several hours most days.

Q2. when did you decide you were going to write a book?

A. I retired from my job with the National Health Service in the UK nearly five years ago now; I’d already started my first book by this time (no longer in print) which was based on many of my own life experiences and observations. They say you should write about what you know, so I did, it was a considerable learning experience; my writing grew from there. Writing is very exposing, you put yourself out there, it takes a huge leap of faith, well, it certainly did on my part.

Q3. How did you come up with the name of your books?

A. I do a lot of historical research for my books; when I start a new book, I often don’t have a title/name, it develops as the book and story start to come together, there is a certain amount of improvisation in my approach to writing, ideas are flying in all the time.

Q4. What are you working on for 2019?

A. At the moment I have two new books in the pipeline. The first is the fifth book in my ‘Ghost from the Molly House’ series and it should hopefully be out around July time. The second book picks up a character called Patrina Fletcher who’s a social media and reality TV star, she’s very 2019! She made an appearance in my book ‘The Psychic Agency’ which came out in February this year, I liked writing her character so much, I’ve decided to do a book about her crazy life.

Q5. How long have you been writing?

A. Around six years now, I really enjoy it, and I continue to learn the craft or writing. I learn with every new book I write.

Q6. What advice would you give other authors? 

A. Advice? Read a lot, don’t write to be rich and famous, write because you love it, the book market is very overcrowded and competitive; you have to stick at it and keep going. Few writers are an ‘overnight success’ it can take many years and even then, there are no guarantees, which is why I say do it because you love it. I treat it as a very demanding hobby, which requires my full attention.

Q7. where can people find you online?

A. I’m on most major book sites like Goodreads, Bookbub, and all authors, as well as social media sites, my main selling platform is Amazon.

I have my own website

Q8. Do you plan on making more books in the future?

A. Yes, I can’t imagine a time now where I won’t be writing, my book genres are fashion, humor, paranormal-supernatural-historical- fantasy, and mysteries. I don't write horror as such, my books tend to revolve more around the paranormal, hauntings, history, and the mysterious with some humor, so you won't find a lot of gore.

Q9. How many books have you written?

A. To date I have six published books, two are fashion fiction, they are humorous, coming of age stories and focus on the high-end fashion industry, but they are so much more, and very much about ‘life’, and its many foibles, love, and the power of friendship. The other four are my ghost series about a time-traveling super-ghost with a wicked sense of humor called Jasper Claxton; he’s great fun. These books are full of historical fact which I mix with fantasy.

Q10. did you go to college to be a writer?

A. Nursing is my background and I spent many years studying, I have a degree and a master’s degree, although not in writing, but studying and writing at that academic level certainly improved my writing. In fact, before I retired from the NHS, most of my writing had been for work reports and research-based academic assignments. I now try to link up with other writers so we can share experiences and learn from each other.

I would like to say thank you to Author Grahame Peace for allowing me to interview him on my blog. 


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