1. Tell me about yourself?
I grew up in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and now live with my husband and elementary-aged children- Wade, Ruby, and Olive in Carrot Creek, Alberta. I am a Stay at Home Mom and am a substitute teacher at a local school this year.
2.What are your favorite books to read?
I love reading non-fiction as hearing other people's stories always interests me.
3. When did you decide you were going to write a book?
The idea for this book came to me one Sunday in May of 2019. I used the summer to write and create my illustrations and then spent the fall/ winter figuring out how to self-publish.
4. How did you come up with the name of your book?
The title came to me pretty quickly. As I was writing this a parent's message to their child I thought that 'Letter to My Child- The Story of You' was very fitting.
5. What are you working on for 2021
Promotion of 'Letter to My Child' and hopefully getting some more writing done on my other book 'project'.
6. How long have you been writing?
I remember loving writing stories in school as far back as elementary. I wrote stories for my friend's throughout High School, and have another story in the works as well.
7.What advice would you give other authors?
Be willing to ask other authors for advice or help- especially when self-publishing. It will take a lot of hard work, but keep persevering!
8. Where can people find you online?
My website is: https://www.leannedeleeuwbooks.com or on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/leannedeleeuwbooks
9. What is your favorite coffee drink?
I don't really drink coffee, but the closest I guess would be a Mocha. Well, Iced Capps are pretty good too. More often though, I prefer tea.
10. What is your favorite coffee shop?
I honestly don't really have any preference, my good Canadian answer though would be Tim Hortons.
11. Do you plan on making a new book in the future?
In short, yes. It is not a Children's Book, and I am about 35,000 words into it. It has been a long, slow work in progress, but hopefully, soon I will wrap it up!
12. How many books have you written?
This is my first.
13. Did you go to college to be a writer?
No, I have my Bachelor of Physical Education and Bachelor of Education degrees.
Leanne DeLeeuw
Letter to My Child- The Story of You
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