Q1. Please tell me more about yourself?
A. I’m a Christian and a person of faith. I always wanted to be a writer, but my
thinking in college was I should be practical. In college, I ended up with a
Business degree from CSU, Chico and later an MBA degree in
International Business from George Washington in D.C. That is where I
met my wife, who greatly, though indirectly, influenced my writing career.
My wife was born in HK but adopted into an American family from N.J.
Chosen’s Beautiful Heart is my first book and fictional novel. My wife and I
live in Davis, CA, and have two young adult children in their 20’s.
Q2. What are your favorite books to read?
A. Growing up, I loved Milo and his adventures in The Phantom Tollbooth. I remember thinking he could go anywhere in that tollbooth. Maybe that is why I am a writer. I’m fascinated by places like Hong Kong and China. Like Milo, there is still so much to learn.
Q3. Do you like coffee or tea?
A. I drink coffee 4-5 times a week. When our daughter returns from college on
break, my favorite thing in the morning is to knock on my kid’s doors.
“Coffee,” I ask my son and my daughter. Usually, the sleepy reply is “Yes,
I’ll have a cup and a half. I drink whatever my wife buys. Black.
Q4, How many books have you written?
A. It took me four years to write Chosen’s Beautiful Heart. My agent is
currently pitching the book to publishers. I’m excited to see what’s next on
the journey and I’m hard at work on the second book. Book 1 is the
daughter’s story and book 2 will be the mother’s story.
Q5. Do you have a favorite bookstore?
A. Anywhere including a home that I can curl up, read, and have a good cup of
Q6. Did you go to college for writing?
A. No, while I did major in Business, I did try to pursue a special “Honors in
English” program, but it didn’t work out. It was supposed to be 5 courses,
but they changed the requirements, and I wasn’t going to delay my
Q7. How did you get inspired to write a book?
A. Chosen’s Beautiful Heart is fiction but was very loosely inspired by my wife.
It’s about a young girl born in HK, who goes on a mysterious trip, lives
alone at age 12 in Germany before being adopted by an American family.
The novel is a mainstream coming-of-age story sprinkled with faith, love, and a happy ending. Sometimes people ask me if the story is real?
No, it’s fiction, but it is true that if I had never met my wife, or traveled
several times to HK or China, I could never have dreamed up the story I’ve
come up with. A big thank you to my wife, who has listened to hours and
hours of the story and is a big encouragement.
Q8. What hobbies do you have?
A. Snow skiing & (gym) rock climbing. w/ Covid, I haven’t done much of either.
Q9. Where can people find you online?
A. I would appreciate the opportunity to keep in touch with your readers. I
would love it if they would sign up for my free quarterly short story
newsletter. Please click on the link below. I’m open if people have a
question, or would like my Christmas newsletter, just shoot me an email.
In addition to book updates about Chosen’s Beautiful Heart, and a short
story, my wife will occasionally throw in a personal Chinese recipe. Since
I’m trying to grow my email list, appreciate everyone’s time.
Author bio and newsletter sign up:
Questions and speaking engagements (on topics such as adoption, writing,
China and Hong Kong)
Angelika, thanks so much for having me on your blog!
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